Pro-Blogging Secrets Coaching Call – Nov. 9, 2015
In this coaching call, we covered the following topics and you can view the video below.
- Today! Just get it launched – it won’t be perfect, but you also won’t have a huge audience at the beginning so this is the time to tweak and improve it, all the while you are growing it. The authenticity of you and your site is more important than perfection.
Getting Traffic (6:18)
- Test out posting the same article 2-3 times a day on Pinterest, Twitter to ensure readers are seeing it.
- Post your old content on Twitter and Facebook.
Communicating with Email Subscribers (10:48)
- Important thing is to continue providing the subscribers with what they came to the site for and what they want. At least every other week to keep them reminded of who you are and not forgetting about what you are doing.
- Since there is a point where Gmail, Hotmail, etc won’t let you email many people at the same time. When you get to this point, use a web email provider – MailChimp is free and lets you have up to 2,000 subscribers and you can send everything through them, which will help you organize your emails more.
Social Media Marketing (13:50)
- In beginning stages, try all social media avenues to see where your audience is.
- Automate things as much as possible – Buffer, free to start and up to $10/month; Co-Schedule is another option.
- Once you know which platforms you get the best traffic from, start a targeted focus on 1 or 2 social media platforms.
Email marketing and getting more engagement (18:30)
- SumoMe – Completely free option that helps increase your email subscribers
- Added a pop-up box to my site and they really work
- Welcome Mat
Review of Sites (22:25)
- Hire a web developer if/when you can from Upwork.
- Great to have a reason to sign up for your newsletter – PDF, free course, etc.
- Quickly and clearly communicate what your site is about.
- Fewer tabs across the top is cleaner and easier for your readers to do what you want them to do.
- Crazy egg or SumoMe heat maps show where people are clicking to see what is the most important to your readers.
- Consider putting ads within the content via Quick Adsense plugin.
How to deal with Feeling Overwhelmed (50:30)
- Find/hire a freelancer who can help you with the things that are causing you the most stress.
- Persistence and determination is so important because it is so easy to quit.
- Save all encouraging emails from readers and go back to that when you feel like quitting.